Austin Book Club
Welcome! Thanks for your interest in the Austin Book Club. We're a (small) group of casual readers in Austin that meet semi-regularly. It's social, and it's free to join (you just need to live near/in Austin). A few more details:
- Who - You, and other folks in the Austin area. The club is run by me.
- What - Books, we read them, then talk about them. There's also new people that you'll meet, and we typically have food and drinks. Our meetings are fun.
- When - We meet more than once per quarter, but less than once per month. This gives us some flexibility for schedules, reading speed, and some time for you to read other books. You can see when our next meeting is below.
- Where - The locations changes from month-to-month based on the group size, but you can shoot me an email if you have suggestions (or want to host).
- Why - There are many reasons to read.
You don't have to be a good reader to join. Honestly, you don't even have to read the book (although you're encouraged to). You just need to show up. We'll talk about the book for the first bit, then hang out for the rest of the time. The club is as much about socializing as it is reading.
How We Pick a Book
- One member provides a list of 3 - 5 books.
- Everyone votes on that list.
- The book with the most votes is the one we read.
- Repeat, rotating through members until everyone has had an opportunity to provide a list of books to vote on. I like this method, because it means eventually, everyone has a chance to read a book that they've suggested (no matter what).
What We're Reading
Atomic Habits by James Clear
What We've Read
Previously, if you want a flavor of the types of books we're into.
When We're Meeting Next
The next meeting is March 5, 2024
Sign up using the form below. I'll reach out with some more info.